7/25/2023 July 25th, 2023What It Means To Be Born Again Those of us who love Jesus as our beloved Elder Brother and believe with all our hearts and souls in his teachings as contained in the writings through Mr. James E. Padgett and Dr. Daniel G. Samuels, regard these revelations as our Bible because within them are the highest truths of God which teach us the true purpose of our creation and our lives on earth, as well as our true relationship to our Heavenly Father.
We need never again doubt the truth of Jesus' statement, “Except ye be born again, ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” The exact meaning of these words, which are not explained in the New Testament of the Bible, will no longer be a mystery to us, for through Jesus' teachings we know what it means to be born again, to become a new creature through our souls' possession of our Father's Divine Love, which flows into our hearts and souls when we yearn for it to become a very important part of us. When we personally experience the soul transformation, which God's Divine Love causes within us, we are privileged to have firsthand experience of the Rebirth of soul as we become awakened to the Qualities of our Father's own Nature of Divinity and as our minds become aware of these Qualities and their greatness. At times it overwhelms us to realize that some of our Father's Divine Essence actually resides within our hearts and souls, because the perception of their grandeur leave us humbled and grateful in the knowledge that God has bestowed these Blessings of His Love upon us, with the Promise, always, of more to come. It is the teachings of our beloved Elder Brother, Jesus of Nazareth, that bring the real truth of Salvation into our lives, and when we accept them and take them to heart, we need never again fear God or His supposed wrath or punishment, for His true nature is Divine Love; and we may come into personal knowledge and ownership of His Divine Goodness. Never again will we feel that we must be baptized or undergo certain religious procedures in order to be accepted by our Heavenly Father as His own children; nor will we feel the need to look upon Jesus as God, or as the Lord, or as a part of a supposed Godhead consisting of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. For God is Himself, alone, the Creator and Lord of the Universe. And we will know for a certainty that it is not Jesus' blood that saves us, or any belief in his name, or that he died on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind, but it is the Father's Divine Love that bestows the only true Salvation as it flows into our souls and frees us of our sins, and changes our souls from human souls into Divine souls, blessing us with Eternal Life. Let us praise God that Jesus is our beloved Elder Brother, the child of our Father who was sent to earth to show mankind the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven, And that through Jesus all of us again have the privilege of praying and yearning for the inflowing of the Greatest Thing in all the Universe, the Divine Love of God, The Holy Father, which when possessed by our human souls, exalts us to At-onement with His qualities of Divinity and empowers us to perform the same Benevolent Acts of Healing and Restoration of Soul, Spirit and Body, that Jesus performed while on earth. God is the same God today as He was when Jesus lived on earth; through the possession of His Love in our souls we can grow in Faith and Power and become living examples of His Love and Mercy just as Jesus personified during his public ministry on earth, and as his Apostles and Disciples exemplified after his departure from earth to the Realms of the Spirit World. |