Julin Productions is not affiliated with, nor responsible for, any person or group involved in promoting the spiritual work of The Founders Mission. Mr. James E. Padgett, Mr. Eugene Morgan, Dr. Leslie R. Stone, Dr. Daniel G. Samuels, Rev. John Paul Gibson and Rev. Jocelyn Harleston.
Jesus work with two Brain and Hand Instruments was completed
Through his two chosen instruments, in complete fulfillment of the requirements for his Second Coming, Jesus revealed once again the availability of the Father's Divine Love to the human heart and soul, and described the Kingdom of Heaven which awaits all who seek this Love and receive it in sufficent abundance. He pointed out and thoroughly explained the historical prophecies which foretold the advent of God's Divine Love to earth and the coming of the Messiah who was to be the wayshower to salvation.
Today complete knowledge of the true and only way to the Divine Kingdom of Heaven, where all who enter are in complete at-onement with the Heavenly Father in His Divine Nature, is once again available to mankind and no further instruments have been chosen by our Divine leader to take automatic writings. In 1960, he wrote through Dr. Samuels that it is now the task of our followers to disseminate these vital Truths as far and wide as possible.
On January 8, 1960 Jesus wrote through Dr. Samuels:
"In connection with the Truths of the Father, let me say emphatically at this point that these truths do not need any explanations for if what Mr. Padgett received in his hundreds of messages need addional explanations then I and those of my Disciples and those many other spirits who, collaborated with me in the formation of the collection, have indeed failed to do our work.
For let me repeat that these truths do not need to be expounded upon but rather the task is to bring these truths to the attendion of mankind and let each man choose as he will, but none can make this great choice unless he has a knowledge of these messages first, and that is our task.
Nor can these truths be understood with the mind. It is only through appeal to the soul that the truths can be understood and any statement to affect that what is needed is a presentation of these truths in a practical and logical way is not true and certainly cannot have come from me or any spirit in the Celestial Heavens or in the soul spheres. One cannot attain the Divine Love through law and logic and fragmatisms, for this is exactly what I protested against when I appeared on earth. It was as a protest against the legalisms of oral laws, that I set out on my mission, contesting these laws of the oral law with the Divine Love of the Father, for this Divine Love fulfills the law and made man not only perfect in his natural love but transformed him into a Divine Soul.
So you see that I cannot have approved any explanations of the Padgett messages nor given assent to any plan to present these messages in a logical or practical manner. Nor can there be any method whereby soul perception and love can be proven by any psychical means, for if God Himself is doubted as existing by many who profess to give credence to these scientific methods alone, how can God's Love be proven by the same means?
God and God's greatest attributes are soul and spiritual and proof of God and His Love can only be proven by soul and spiritual perceptions, therefore any claim that I have given to anyone wherefore I would set forth such a plan is an impossiblity and false.
In conclusion, I would like to state that in the past and as of now I have given through you (Dr. Samuels) various individuals missions to perform as I previously did through Mr. Padgett and I have therefore given no one any such mission if I did not write it through you. I tell you this, not as a criticism or of any other aspirant to receive writings from me, for if you have received them then certainly others can and shall, but I repeat, I say this merely to remind you how careful one must be before accepting on face value the claims of any medium or would-be medium to be receiving messages from me or my Apoostles."
Excluding message-taking/seeking will assure against the risk of receiving false instructions from imposter spirits which would prove to be contradictiory to the spiritual guidelines and instructions previously given by Jesus to the Founding Trusteees Dr. Stone, Dr. Samuels and Rev. Gibson.
Psychic Practices
As long as we are mortals, we must learn to practice what we believe, and embrace the truths of the Father's Divine Love as the highest good that may come to us from the Father. For the most part, while we are on earth, Divine attributes do not manifest arbitrarily. They manifest with our sincere desire to use what the Father gives us through His Love.
If we permit ourselves to get sidetracked into the soul-limiting realm of the psychic and ignore our own soul resources once we have begun to attain them through seeking the Father's Divine Love we cause our souls to stagnate.
Indulgence in the psychic will either leave us unchanged in our condition of soul purity or impurity or will add to our soul encrustments when we misdirect our psychic energies. The time spent in the psychic indefinitely delays our soul progression and we may have to retrace our steps and relearn soulfully to turn to the Heavenly Father.
It is often difficult for mortals to believe that unseen forces of evil flourish in the earth planes surrounding us. However, spiritual wantonness is rampant on every hand, and we are affected more deeply and more often by it than most of us would like to think.
If we fail to practice self-protection as best we can, through prayer, we fail to enlist the Help of the Father, as well. And only He should decide how our protection will come to us. We cannot afford at any time to simply assume we have protection from any source other than the Father.
The indiscriminate use of the purely psychic powers can bring sincere regret at some time in the future that prayer for At-onement with the Father was set aside in favor of the pursuit of the psychic. What might begin as an experimental use of these powers out of fascination and excitement could develop into a form of self-deception, a feeling of control over one’s destiny or over the destinies of others, or over the forces of nature, that could lead to a desire for increased psychic power and, in time, enslavement to this type of activity. Such was the experience of the first parents, whose powers in the natural love were so great that they felt they were already the equals of the Father and therefore did not need His Divine Love.
In the careless use of the psychic, using it so frequently for guidance that we ignore our own Divine development of soul and forming dependence upon God and His Love, or turning to the psychic for making decisions we are entitled, and even expected to make for ourselves, here again is the possibility of virtual enslavement to the psychic.
Experimenting with automatic writing and receiving writings from spirits may easily lead to contacts of the world of spirits, who are imposters claiming to be other personages, even Jesus of Nazareth. False teaching, misleading or confusing statements, the entire range of insidious spirit deception may, and often does, become the experience of those who do not follow Jesus’ advice to pray constantly for the Father’s Divine love.
On November 25, 1961, Jesus wrote: "There are myriads of spirits on the earth plane hovering about natural mediums waiting to come in at any and every opportunity;"
"These spirits who have no part of our movement, are very much aware of the thoughts and doings of these mediums, and readily impersonate other spirits in order to have the opportunity to have and maintain contact with the mortal life and beings in this way."
He also stated there are many spirits named Jesus, that this was a common Hebrew name throughout the ages before his time. His name is commonly used today in various countries and languages of the world.
Spiritual growth of any kind must be cultivated constantly. The human will must work together with prayer for such development, from a determination to be as much as one can be with God’s Help. When we pray frequently for the Father’s Divine Love, we are kept better connected to the Divinely progressing Spirits who become our Guardians and Helpers who work to heal, guide and protect us, and who have their own Divine motivation.
Psychic development, on the other hand, is not of religion and does not require the presence of the Divine Love in the soul, but through certain meditation procedures promoted by “development circles,” whereby the individual’s sensitivity to the world of spirit is increased, an individual is brought into communication with Spirits of varying degrees of spirituality or non-spirituality.
Some of the manifestations of psychic development are clairvoyance, clairaudience, trance mediumship, supplying of ectoplasm, astral travel, sensitivity to spirit vibrations, receiving mental impressions from Spirits, seeing auras, experiencing vision, taking automatic writing from Spirits, interaction with the forces of nature and more.
To equate psychic abilities with spiritual growth is a serious mistake. However, the growth of psychic gifts, which are a part of our natural love endowment, often accompanies soul development through the Divine Love of the Father. As the soul becomes increasingly purified through the cleansing action on its encrustments by the powers of the Divine love, the use one makes of the psychic gifts is not so apt to be misguided, misdirected, or overused by the progressing soul. But in order to gain a spiritually responsible perspective, continuing prayer to the Father for His Divine Love is necessary to maintain rapport with the right forces of Love and purity.
Through Dr. Samuels, Jesus wrote: “It is the soul condition which is important in the transmission of thoughts, for the soul condition is the vital factor which enables the quality of the thought to be transmitted from the spirit through the mortal brain. There are many things being written about the Spirit World and its inhabitants which are not strictly applicable in every respect, for here truth is relative and many statements which are true or exact on the earth plane are absolutely wrong and inapplicable in the higher planes and in the Celestial Heavens: and so when statements are made concerning our Spirit World, it is always prudent to investigate the source of the statements and in what sphere that spirit may be at the time he conveys his information. I should also like to observe that time causes a difference in the soul condition of the individual soul, as a general rule, and that information thus given by a spirit might vary with the time he has spent in the Spirit World. This causes misleading and contradictory statements and information, and one should judge the reliability of spirit messages by the soul condition and sphere of habitat of the individual soul.”
Jesus also wrote: “Needless to say, we spirits of the Celestial Heavens are closest to the Father and His ultimate knowledge, and our messages are authoritative and reliable. At the same time, I wish to state that we are eternally coming into closer rapport with the Father and that, as time passes, we are able to give messages of greater soul quality and in detail. However we know now through our self-soul-knowledge that what we have transmitted is correct and cannot be controverted nor gainsaid, and that language or medium of transmission is quite unimportant in comparison to the high soul quality of the messages we seek to impart and are able to transmit.
Neither are we interested in spirit communication, for this is simply Spiritualism of the earth plane variety. While messages of this type can be a consolation to bereaved human beings and therefore beneficial to those concerned, it is a type of activity that can best be served by other organizations. People who wish phenomena-type of spiritual activity, without seeking the Divine Love of the Father, will not be happy in our movement because their soul condition has not reached the level which acceptance into our community requires. Such people must of their own free will seek and obtain the Divine Love for it is only through obtention of the Divine Love, even in very moderate portions that our goal can be kept uppermost in the hearts and minds of men and religious considerations of the earth plane type relegated to their proper place."
Julin Productions seeks no further teachings from Jesus or other high Celestials but is fulfilling the true purpose of his Second Coming by spreading his Truths in all of their fullness of glad tidings of seeking, receiving and living the Kingdom of Heaven through the transformation of our human souls into the immortal Nature and Essence of our great Father who, for this very purpose, offers us His Divine Love and Mercy.
Our emphasis, therefore, is on soul development by the Divine Love of the Father, not on psychic development, which does not produce Divine Love in the soul.
Seeking and receiving the Divine Love of God is of the utmost importance to the redemption of our human souls, the only way we can be assured of true At-onement with the Father and eternal life with Him in His Divine Heavens.
Today complete knowledge of the true and only way to the Divine Kingdom of Heaven, where all who enter are in complete at-onement with the Heavenly Father in His Divine Nature, is once again available to mankind and no further instruments have been chosen by our Divine leader to take automatic writings. In 1960, he wrote through Dr. Samuels that it is now the task of our followers to disseminate these vital Truths as far and wide as possible.
On January 8, 1960 Jesus wrote through Dr. Samuels:
"In connection with the Truths of the Father, let me say emphatically at this point that these truths do not need any explanations for if what Mr. Padgett received in his hundreds of messages need addional explanations then I and those of my Disciples and those many other spirits who, collaborated with me in the formation of the collection, have indeed failed to do our work.
For let me repeat that these truths do not need to be expounded upon but rather the task is to bring these truths to the attendion of mankind and let each man choose as he will, but none can make this great choice unless he has a knowledge of these messages first, and that is our task.
Nor can these truths be understood with the mind. It is only through appeal to the soul that the truths can be understood and any statement to affect that what is needed is a presentation of these truths in a practical and logical way is not true and certainly cannot have come from me or any spirit in the Celestial Heavens or in the soul spheres. One cannot attain the Divine Love through law and logic and fragmatisms, for this is exactly what I protested against when I appeared on earth. It was as a protest against the legalisms of oral laws, that I set out on my mission, contesting these laws of the oral law with the Divine Love of the Father, for this Divine Love fulfills the law and made man not only perfect in his natural love but transformed him into a Divine Soul.
So you see that I cannot have approved any explanations of the Padgett messages nor given assent to any plan to present these messages in a logical or practical manner. Nor can there be any method whereby soul perception and love can be proven by any psychical means, for if God Himself is doubted as existing by many who profess to give credence to these scientific methods alone, how can God's Love be proven by the same means?
God and God's greatest attributes are soul and spiritual and proof of God and His Love can only be proven by soul and spiritual perceptions, therefore any claim that I have given to anyone wherefore I would set forth such a plan is an impossiblity and false.
In conclusion, I would like to state that in the past and as of now I have given through you (Dr. Samuels) various individuals missions to perform as I previously did through Mr. Padgett and I have therefore given no one any such mission if I did not write it through you. I tell you this, not as a criticism or of any other aspirant to receive writings from me, for if you have received them then certainly others can and shall, but I repeat, I say this merely to remind you how careful one must be before accepting on face value the claims of any medium or would-be medium to be receiving messages from me or my Apoostles."
Excluding message-taking/seeking will assure against the risk of receiving false instructions from imposter spirits which would prove to be contradictiory to the spiritual guidelines and instructions previously given by Jesus to the Founding Trusteees Dr. Stone, Dr. Samuels and Rev. Gibson.
Psychic Practices
As long as we are mortals, we must learn to practice what we believe, and embrace the truths of the Father's Divine Love as the highest good that may come to us from the Father. For the most part, while we are on earth, Divine attributes do not manifest arbitrarily. They manifest with our sincere desire to use what the Father gives us through His Love.
If we permit ourselves to get sidetracked into the soul-limiting realm of the psychic and ignore our own soul resources once we have begun to attain them through seeking the Father's Divine Love we cause our souls to stagnate.
Indulgence in the psychic will either leave us unchanged in our condition of soul purity or impurity or will add to our soul encrustments when we misdirect our psychic energies. The time spent in the psychic indefinitely delays our soul progression and we may have to retrace our steps and relearn soulfully to turn to the Heavenly Father.
It is often difficult for mortals to believe that unseen forces of evil flourish in the earth planes surrounding us. However, spiritual wantonness is rampant on every hand, and we are affected more deeply and more often by it than most of us would like to think.
If we fail to practice self-protection as best we can, through prayer, we fail to enlist the Help of the Father, as well. And only He should decide how our protection will come to us. We cannot afford at any time to simply assume we have protection from any source other than the Father.
The indiscriminate use of the purely psychic powers can bring sincere regret at some time in the future that prayer for At-onement with the Father was set aside in favor of the pursuit of the psychic. What might begin as an experimental use of these powers out of fascination and excitement could develop into a form of self-deception, a feeling of control over one’s destiny or over the destinies of others, or over the forces of nature, that could lead to a desire for increased psychic power and, in time, enslavement to this type of activity. Such was the experience of the first parents, whose powers in the natural love were so great that they felt they were already the equals of the Father and therefore did not need His Divine Love.
In the careless use of the psychic, using it so frequently for guidance that we ignore our own Divine development of soul and forming dependence upon God and His Love, or turning to the psychic for making decisions we are entitled, and even expected to make for ourselves, here again is the possibility of virtual enslavement to the psychic.
Experimenting with automatic writing and receiving writings from spirits may easily lead to contacts of the world of spirits, who are imposters claiming to be other personages, even Jesus of Nazareth. False teaching, misleading or confusing statements, the entire range of insidious spirit deception may, and often does, become the experience of those who do not follow Jesus’ advice to pray constantly for the Father’s Divine love.
On November 25, 1961, Jesus wrote: "There are myriads of spirits on the earth plane hovering about natural mediums waiting to come in at any and every opportunity;"
"These spirits who have no part of our movement, are very much aware of the thoughts and doings of these mediums, and readily impersonate other spirits in order to have the opportunity to have and maintain contact with the mortal life and beings in this way."
He also stated there are many spirits named Jesus, that this was a common Hebrew name throughout the ages before his time. His name is commonly used today in various countries and languages of the world.
Spiritual growth of any kind must be cultivated constantly. The human will must work together with prayer for such development, from a determination to be as much as one can be with God’s Help. When we pray frequently for the Father’s Divine Love, we are kept better connected to the Divinely progressing Spirits who become our Guardians and Helpers who work to heal, guide and protect us, and who have their own Divine motivation.
Psychic development, on the other hand, is not of religion and does not require the presence of the Divine Love in the soul, but through certain meditation procedures promoted by “development circles,” whereby the individual’s sensitivity to the world of spirit is increased, an individual is brought into communication with Spirits of varying degrees of spirituality or non-spirituality.
Some of the manifestations of psychic development are clairvoyance, clairaudience, trance mediumship, supplying of ectoplasm, astral travel, sensitivity to spirit vibrations, receiving mental impressions from Spirits, seeing auras, experiencing vision, taking automatic writing from Spirits, interaction with the forces of nature and more.
To equate psychic abilities with spiritual growth is a serious mistake. However, the growth of psychic gifts, which are a part of our natural love endowment, often accompanies soul development through the Divine Love of the Father. As the soul becomes increasingly purified through the cleansing action on its encrustments by the powers of the Divine love, the use one makes of the psychic gifts is not so apt to be misguided, misdirected, or overused by the progressing soul. But in order to gain a spiritually responsible perspective, continuing prayer to the Father for His Divine Love is necessary to maintain rapport with the right forces of Love and purity.
Through Dr. Samuels, Jesus wrote: “It is the soul condition which is important in the transmission of thoughts, for the soul condition is the vital factor which enables the quality of the thought to be transmitted from the spirit through the mortal brain. There are many things being written about the Spirit World and its inhabitants which are not strictly applicable in every respect, for here truth is relative and many statements which are true or exact on the earth plane are absolutely wrong and inapplicable in the higher planes and in the Celestial Heavens: and so when statements are made concerning our Spirit World, it is always prudent to investigate the source of the statements and in what sphere that spirit may be at the time he conveys his information. I should also like to observe that time causes a difference in the soul condition of the individual soul, as a general rule, and that information thus given by a spirit might vary with the time he has spent in the Spirit World. This causes misleading and contradictory statements and information, and one should judge the reliability of spirit messages by the soul condition and sphere of habitat of the individual soul.”
Jesus also wrote: “Needless to say, we spirits of the Celestial Heavens are closest to the Father and His ultimate knowledge, and our messages are authoritative and reliable. At the same time, I wish to state that we are eternally coming into closer rapport with the Father and that, as time passes, we are able to give messages of greater soul quality and in detail. However we know now through our self-soul-knowledge that what we have transmitted is correct and cannot be controverted nor gainsaid, and that language or medium of transmission is quite unimportant in comparison to the high soul quality of the messages we seek to impart and are able to transmit.
Neither are we interested in spirit communication, for this is simply Spiritualism of the earth plane variety. While messages of this type can be a consolation to bereaved human beings and therefore beneficial to those concerned, it is a type of activity that can best be served by other organizations. People who wish phenomena-type of spiritual activity, without seeking the Divine Love of the Father, will not be happy in our movement because their soul condition has not reached the level which acceptance into our community requires. Such people must of their own free will seek and obtain the Divine Love for it is only through obtention of the Divine Love, even in very moderate portions that our goal can be kept uppermost in the hearts and minds of men and religious considerations of the earth plane type relegated to their proper place."
Julin Productions seeks no further teachings from Jesus or other high Celestials but is fulfilling the true purpose of his Second Coming by spreading his Truths in all of their fullness of glad tidings of seeking, receiving and living the Kingdom of Heaven through the transformation of our human souls into the immortal Nature and Essence of our great Father who, for this very purpose, offers us His Divine Love and Mercy.
Our emphasis, therefore, is on soul development by the Divine Love of the Father, not on psychic development, which does not produce Divine Love in the soul.
Seeking and receiving the Divine Love of God is of the utmost importance to the redemption of our human souls, the only way we can be assured of true At-onement with the Father and eternal life with Him in His Divine Heavens.