Julin's Corner
Developing Your Soul Perceptions
The Master Jesus taught us that if we pray for the Father's Divine Love we would grow in our soul perceptions, enabling us to know and understand the truth and the laws that govern the universe.
Since I've been receiving God's Love I have found a greater understanding of life. For instance, let's try an example of what soul development can do for us. Ask yourself: What is Love?" Instead of using your mind to find the answer, why not use your heart which is the center of your soul. Now remember to make it as simple as possible so that evan a child could understand.
The answer I received was: " Love cannot be seen or understood, it is something you feel."
Here's another one: What is Faith? "Faith is like a truth that sinks deep into your soul until it becomes reality."
Sometimes you'll be shocked to find that you've said something so beautiful. That's because it came from your heart.
We know for sure that each of us have a unique gift to offer. Even though some of us don't know for sure what gift God has given us, we can be sure that we each have a degree of soul development which is helpful in leading souls into the Kingdom.
The Master Jesus taught us that if we pray for the Father's Divine Love we would grow in our soul perceptions, enabling us to know and understand the truth and the laws that govern the universe.
Since I've been receiving God's Love I have found a greater understanding of life. For instance, let's try an example of what soul development can do for us. Ask yourself: What is Love?" Instead of using your mind to find the answer, why not use your heart which is the center of your soul. Now remember to make it as simple as possible so that evan a child could understand.
The answer I received was: " Love cannot be seen or understood, it is something you feel."
Here's another one: What is Faith? "Faith is like a truth that sinks deep into your soul until it becomes reality."
Sometimes you'll be shocked to find that you've said something so beautiful. That's because it came from your heart.
We know for sure that each of us have a unique gift to offer. Even though some of us don't know for sure what gift God has given us, we can be sure that we each have a degree of soul development which is helpful in leading souls into the Kingdom.
Grateful For The Messages
Since the beginning of our first parents’ refusal of God’s Divine Love, sin has manifested on this earth. Sin has existed for millions of years and has made its mark on many different types of civilizations.
Around the time of Jesus’ birth God made His Divine Love available once again to the human race so they could rise above the vicissitudes that existed. Just as there are thousands of varieties of trees there have also been diverse attitudes and opinions of man’s weakness in every generation. Through centuries, mankind has lived in spiritual darkness and degradation. Strangely enough, each individuals attitudes to another man’s weakness has caused much heartache and suffering. It is a self-defeating attitude and society’s condemnations have made it most difficult for one to overcome his own spiritual handicaps.
In loving memory memory of Mr. James E. Padgett and Dr. Leslie R. Stone, and also Mr. Eugene Morgan, I would like to express what their sacrifices and earthly denials to make themselves instruments of the Father has meant to me. I realize how difficult it was for Mr. Padgett to develop his soul so he could be in proper condition to receive instructions from the Master, and indeed it was a most difficult task for him to accomplish. All of those gentlemen did a wonderful service for humanity, by allowing the Heavenly Hosts to establish a rapport and bring us these wonderful messages of truth and love.
It is because of these messages my life has changed and taken on a new meaning, and if it were not for the messages I might still be in a condition of spiritual darkness. I have discovered that I am indeed a beloved child of the Father and that my needs are His greatest concern. I have many spiritual weaknesses to overcome, but with His Love and Mercy I have been shown that I can overcome them.
Before I learned these truths I felt inferior to people because of I thought were my sins. I suffered because of people’s attitudes. Now I realize that we all have problems we must overcome and there is no shame or embarrassment in recognizing that we have human failings. “Know thyself” is a truth for all, because recognizing your own weaknesses helps you to realize what you have to overcome and what you must ask God to help you with.
Since the beginning of our first parents’ refusal of God’s Divine Love, sin has manifested on this earth. Sin has existed for millions of years and has made its mark on many different types of civilizations.
Around the time of Jesus’ birth God made His Divine Love available once again to the human race so they could rise above the vicissitudes that existed. Just as there are thousands of varieties of trees there have also been diverse attitudes and opinions of man’s weakness in every generation. Through centuries, mankind has lived in spiritual darkness and degradation. Strangely enough, each individuals attitudes to another man’s weakness has caused much heartache and suffering. It is a self-defeating attitude and society’s condemnations have made it most difficult for one to overcome his own spiritual handicaps.
In loving memory memory of Mr. James E. Padgett and Dr. Leslie R. Stone, and also Mr. Eugene Morgan, I would like to express what their sacrifices and earthly denials to make themselves instruments of the Father has meant to me. I realize how difficult it was for Mr. Padgett to develop his soul so he could be in proper condition to receive instructions from the Master, and indeed it was a most difficult task for him to accomplish. All of those gentlemen did a wonderful service for humanity, by allowing the Heavenly Hosts to establish a rapport and bring us these wonderful messages of truth and love.
It is because of these messages my life has changed and taken on a new meaning, and if it were not for the messages I might still be in a condition of spiritual darkness. I have discovered that I am indeed a beloved child of the Father and that my needs are His greatest concern. I have many spiritual weaknesses to overcome, but with His Love and Mercy I have been shown that I can overcome them.
Before I learned these truths I felt inferior to people because of I thought were my sins. I suffered because of people’s attitudes. Now I realize that we all have problems we must overcome and there is no shame or embarrassment in recognizing that we have human failings. “Know thyself” is a truth for all, because recognizing your own weaknesses helps you to realize what you have to overcome and what you must ask God to help you with.
God’s Love Changes Us
In The Prayer Jesus tells us God smiles upon us in our weaknesses. He also tells us that God’s Love has the power to transform and change sinners into glorified Angels. Little children suffer and know not why. Through these messages I have found a better understanding of my own failings and I have found love for myself. I have learned to love and appreciate the creation that I am, and because of this I have found love, compassion and understanding for my fellow man. I still have expiations to go through, but I know someday I shall be cleansed and be able to have a place in the Celestial Kingdom.
When one soul finds the way and strives for the Kingdom, God sends His Angels to help that soul achieve its aspirations. This to me is the Glory of God. God knows me. Of all the millions of souls in the two worlds, God knows me! That is what life is all about. You may think you haven’t a friend in the world but you always have God. Our Father knows I am here. This is my strength.
And so, my appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Padgett, Dr. Stone and Mr. Morgan. Wherever you are in the Spirit Realms, let it be known to you that your work has touched and helped at least one mortal. Your work will flourish on earth, thank you for the wonderful legacy that you left behind for this and future generations.
In The Prayer Jesus tells us God smiles upon us in our weaknesses. He also tells us that God’s Love has the power to transform and change sinners into glorified Angels. Little children suffer and know not why. Through these messages I have found a better understanding of my own failings and I have found love for myself. I have learned to love and appreciate the creation that I am, and because of this I have found love, compassion and understanding for my fellow man. I still have expiations to go through, but I know someday I shall be cleansed and be able to have a place in the Celestial Kingdom.
When one soul finds the way and strives for the Kingdom, God sends His Angels to help that soul achieve its aspirations. This to me is the Glory of God. God knows me. Of all the millions of souls in the two worlds, God knows me! That is what life is all about. You may think you haven’t a friend in the world but you always have God. Our Father knows I am here. This is my strength.
And so, my appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Padgett, Dr. Stone and Mr. Morgan. Wherever you are in the Spirit Realms, let it be known to you that your work has touched and helped at least one mortal. Your work will flourish on earth, thank you for the wonderful legacy that you left behind for this and future generations.
God’s Love Can Make Us Immortal Jesus tells us that we can strive for the attainment of Immortality while we are here on earth. And prayer to the Father will bring to one help from higher spirits. The Angels will help us in our growth if we seek for spiritual knowledge and cleansings.
We must be the ones to assert our will in that direction, otherwise they cannot establish a rapport with us and help us.
Our Heavenly Father Is A Personal Father
And let me tell you here, the way is not always happy times, for it is difficult to be cleansed, and also, we have our worries of our daily living.
For me personally, these Messages give me sustaining strength and perseverance and that I also have the help of the Angels. I have never once in my trials ever felt that God forsook me. I know He is all-merciful, kind and loving, and He is always there to answer my prayer when I call out to Him.
As you begin to have a personal relationship with Him He does become your Father. I did not know my earthly father; as a child I was lonely and longed for my daddy. Well, it was my soul that longed, and actually my soul reached out to know God. Today He is the only Father I know, and I am a child when it comes to my loving Him.
I have seen with my own eyes the glories that await me, from the wonderful blessings God has given me, and there are so many spiritual things to learn that I become discontented with earthly attractions. Consequently I go through periods of moodiness and the Angels who come near me laugh and tease me and try to change my mood, but not always.
We must be the ones to assert our will in that direction, otherwise they cannot establish a rapport with us and help us.
Our Heavenly Father Is A Personal Father
And let me tell you here, the way is not always happy times, for it is difficult to be cleansed, and also, we have our worries of our daily living.
For me personally, these Messages give me sustaining strength and perseverance and that I also have the help of the Angels. I have never once in my trials ever felt that God forsook me. I know He is all-merciful, kind and loving, and He is always there to answer my prayer when I call out to Him.
As you begin to have a personal relationship with Him He does become your Father. I did not know my earthly father; as a child I was lonely and longed for my daddy. Well, it was my soul that longed, and actually my soul reached out to know God. Today He is the only Father I know, and I am a child when it comes to my loving Him.
I have seen with my own eyes the glories that await me, from the wonderful blessings God has given me, and there are so many spiritual things to learn that I become discontented with earthly attractions. Consequently I go through periods of moodiness and the Angels who come near me laugh and tease me and try to change my mood, but not always.
Jesus Brought Immortality To Light
John Chapter 3 tells us that a man must be born again before he can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. All through the ages man has asked these questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here” Where are we going” Why was Jesus different from other great teachers like Confucius and Buddha? Jesus said, “I come that you may have eternal life and life more abundantly.”
The cornerstone of the Christian Church is the resurrection of Jesus’ material body into heaven. There was nothing new in that, as for generations before that man had believed in a Spirit World. The resurrection that Jesus promised was the resurrection of the soul from a condition of death, because man is made in the image of God, to at-onement with the Father in soul essence.
Jesus said that man must become as a little child and also that he must seek it, because man must exercise his great gift of free will in order to receive the Essence of the Father that will bring about the change of soul condition. The Essence being the Divine Love which flows into man’s soul as a result of sincere prayer and soul longings to the Father.
God answers prayers by sending His Holy Spirit to open man’s soul to this inflowing. Man cannot earn the Divine Love by good deeds, which receive their own rewards.
Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and Eternal life.” He did not say wait until I die. This was while he was living. He was truly the first person to receive the Divine Love and the New Birth and Immortality.
Up until the coming of Jesus man had lived in a condition of death on earth and in the Spirit World.
Readers of the Bible will recall Mark, Chapter 9 where Jesus, Peter, James and John talked with Moses and Elias, and a voice from a cloud said, “Hear ye him.” Jesus taught the glad tidings of the rebestowal of the gift of Immortality and how to obtain it in man’s soul.
We know that man is born to be individualized, and that he is the greatest creation of the Father. He has a material body, a spiritual body and a soul. He possesses qualities of love, wisdom, reasoning faculties. Man exercises God’s greatest gift of free will through the mind, which in turn influences the soul. Therefore belief is of the mind and faith is of the soul. Man can develop his intellect, feed his mind with knowledge, feed his material body, but often he neglects to feed his soul. How does man feed his soul? In order to leaven the bread, leaven must be placed into the dough.
Man’s capacity for enjoyment and happiness is limited in his nature by his own soul progression. If he wants more capacity he must experience a change in his soul, from a soul limited because it is made in the image of our Father, to a soul that becomes an unlimited being, of the Essence of the Father. Man can exercise his gift of free will and desire more of this Essence, which is the Father’s Divine Love. When a person has received the gift of Immortality through the Rebirth of the soul (John Ch.3, Vs.3) he becomes immortal, because anything that is of the Essence of God is Immortal. All souls that are still in the created image whether spirits or mortals, are not immortal. A soul filled with the Divine Love, whether in the material world or the etheric world, qualifies himself to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, where there are no limitations except by one’s soul development and capacity and eternal progress is open to him. Then intellectual development has no boundaries; happiness and wisdom no limitations. The soul is a new Divine Angel and Immortality becomes a thing of knowledge.
John Chapter 3 tells us that a man must be born again before he can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. All through the ages man has asked these questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here” Where are we going” Why was Jesus different from other great teachers like Confucius and Buddha? Jesus said, “I come that you may have eternal life and life more abundantly.”
The cornerstone of the Christian Church is the resurrection of Jesus’ material body into heaven. There was nothing new in that, as for generations before that man had believed in a Spirit World. The resurrection that Jesus promised was the resurrection of the soul from a condition of death, because man is made in the image of God, to at-onement with the Father in soul essence.
Jesus said that man must become as a little child and also that he must seek it, because man must exercise his great gift of free will in order to receive the Essence of the Father that will bring about the change of soul condition. The Essence being the Divine Love which flows into man’s soul as a result of sincere prayer and soul longings to the Father.
God answers prayers by sending His Holy Spirit to open man’s soul to this inflowing. Man cannot earn the Divine Love by good deeds, which receive their own rewards.
Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and Eternal life.” He did not say wait until I die. This was while he was living. He was truly the first person to receive the Divine Love and the New Birth and Immortality.
Up until the coming of Jesus man had lived in a condition of death on earth and in the Spirit World.
Readers of the Bible will recall Mark, Chapter 9 where Jesus, Peter, James and John talked with Moses and Elias, and a voice from a cloud said, “Hear ye him.” Jesus taught the glad tidings of the rebestowal of the gift of Immortality and how to obtain it in man’s soul.
We know that man is born to be individualized, and that he is the greatest creation of the Father. He has a material body, a spiritual body and a soul. He possesses qualities of love, wisdom, reasoning faculties. Man exercises God’s greatest gift of free will through the mind, which in turn influences the soul. Therefore belief is of the mind and faith is of the soul. Man can develop his intellect, feed his mind with knowledge, feed his material body, but often he neglects to feed his soul. How does man feed his soul? In order to leaven the bread, leaven must be placed into the dough.
Man’s capacity for enjoyment and happiness is limited in his nature by his own soul progression. If he wants more capacity he must experience a change in his soul, from a soul limited because it is made in the image of our Father, to a soul that becomes an unlimited being, of the Essence of the Father. Man can exercise his gift of free will and desire more of this Essence, which is the Father’s Divine Love. When a person has received the gift of Immortality through the Rebirth of the soul (John Ch.3, Vs.3) he becomes immortal, because anything that is of the Essence of God is Immortal. All souls that are still in the created image whether spirits or mortals, are not immortal. A soul filled with the Divine Love, whether in the material world or the etheric world, qualifies himself to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, where there are no limitations except by one’s soul development and capacity and eternal progress is open to him. Then intellectual development has no boundaries; happiness and wisdom no limitations. The soul is a new Divine Angel and Immortality becomes a thing of knowledge.
A Love Affair With God
Knowledge of the Father’s spiritual truths is very important but if there is not love in ones heart, then he is not living the Christian life. To be a Christian, one must have a love affair with God. You must open your heart and see all the beauty that surrounds you. You must search the hidden places to see His light shining through. If you are in love with Him, there will never be a moment that passes without you feeling His presence and loving ways. He will indeed talk with you if you have the ears to listen.
Perhaps He will come to you with a strangers friendly smile. Maybe He will talk to you through the merry little tune of a bird. Once I heard Him speak like the mighty rush of a balmy breeze swaying through the trees. Sometimes He speaks in silence and other times He may speak in the noise of a large crowd. Another time I looked up on the sky and I saw a kite flying. I knew He was talking with me. I knew He was telling me that He loved me. Yesterday I was feeling sad and blue. I decided to go to a movie in hopes of being cheered up. The movie was a love story about Cinderella and it was a musical. My Father was there with me. He spoke to me through the actor on the screen. He said “Things are not always as they appear to be.” I was so elated. He lifted my soul to the heights of Heaven by those simple little words.
When we live with Him, we live in a different world. Even though we are still living here on earth our homes become a sanctuary. It becomes a sacred place where no defilement can enter. If love is in your heart it reflects also in your surroundings. It radiates in the books you read, the music you listen to and the friendships that you keep. If Christ is the center of your home, the door will always be open. Open to strangers who may pass by needing help in some way. If Christ is present, then there is always love. Love to share and love to give away.
Sometimes we may have to leave our home early in the morning to face a world of sad and sorrowful ways. But if love is in your heart, you have the assurance that you will always have self-control to handle any forms of confrontation that you may encounter during the day. You have control to turn your cheek when one accuses you unjustly. When we come home at night, leaving the other world behind, we walk through the door finding the Father waiting with open arms to comfort us or to just share with us our experiences of the day. If you are a person living alone, there is never room for loneliness. For if God is living with you, you are never alone.
Knowledge of the Father’s spiritual truths is very important but if there is not love in ones heart, then he is not living the Christian life. To be a Christian, one must have a love affair with God. You must open your heart and see all the beauty that surrounds you. You must search the hidden places to see His light shining through. If you are in love with Him, there will never be a moment that passes without you feeling His presence and loving ways. He will indeed talk with you if you have the ears to listen.
Perhaps He will come to you with a strangers friendly smile. Maybe He will talk to you through the merry little tune of a bird. Once I heard Him speak like the mighty rush of a balmy breeze swaying through the trees. Sometimes He speaks in silence and other times He may speak in the noise of a large crowd. Another time I looked up on the sky and I saw a kite flying. I knew He was talking with me. I knew He was telling me that He loved me. Yesterday I was feeling sad and blue. I decided to go to a movie in hopes of being cheered up. The movie was a love story about Cinderella and it was a musical. My Father was there with me. He spoke to me through the actor on the screen. He said “Things are not always as they appear to be.” I was so elated. He lifted my soul to the heights of Heaven by those simple little words.
When we live with Him, we live in a different world. Even though we are still living here on earth our homes become a sanctuary. It becomes a sacred place where no defilement can enter. If love is in your heart it reflects also in your surroundings. It radiates in the books you read, the music you listen to and the friendships that you keep. If Christ is the center of your home, the door will always be open. Open to strangers who may pass by needing help in some way. If Christ is present, then there is always love. Love to share and love to give away.
Sometimes we may have to leave our home early in the morning to face a world of sad and sorrowful ways. But if love is in your heart, you have the assurance that you will always have self-control to handle any forms of confrontation that you may encounter during the day. You have control to turn your cheek when one accuses you unjustly. When we come home at night, leaving the other world behind, we walk through the door finding the Father waiting with open arms to comfort us or to just share with us our experiences of the day. If you are a person living alone, there is never room for loneliness. For if God is living with you, you are never alone.
Soul Cleansings Make Room For The Father’s Love
Sometimes they let me get my irritations out, which is good, for it is detrimental to hold those feelings in. It is better to free oneself of those inharmonies, therefore Christ can come in and heal.
As we go through our healings the Divine Angels provide conditions whereby those old wounds can be opened up and then the healing can take place. To some it can be a long time, to others it can be a short time, It all depends on what type of injuries were done, and also what kind of sins you committed, along with what you may have inherited from your ancestors.
I am grateful to have found these truths at an early age so I could start my progress therefore I have not become too set in my ways that would cause me to put up barriers. We have a tendency to put walls around us when our feelings get hurt and this is a defense mechanism.
Remember that walls of pride were what separated Aman and Amon from God, and this is the same with mankind today. When we put up those walls, it is like shutting the door to Heaven. Like going to your room and slamming the door shut. When we do this, we are only depriving ourselves of the blessings that God wishes to give us. And He has abundant blessings for us if we only go to Him and let Him do His thing.
I love Him a lot and I know He knows what is best for my life. He has the advantage over me, because He has known me since before I was born; and it has taken me years to get to know Him.
Sometimes they let me get my irritations out, which is good, for it is detrimental to hold those feelings in. It is better to free oneself of those inharmonies, therefore Christ can come in and heal.
As we go through our healings the Divine Angels provide conditions whereby those old wounds can be opened up and then the healing can take place. To some it can be a long time, to others it can be a short time, It all depends on what type of injuries were done, and also what kind of sins you committed, along with what you may have inherited from your ancestors.
I am grateful to have found these truths at an early age so I could start my progress therefore I have not become too set in my ways that would cause me to put up barriers. We have a tendency to put walls around us when our feelings get hurt and this is a defense mechanism.
Remember that walls of pride were what separated Aman and Amon from God, and this is the same with mankind today. When we put up those walls, it is like shutting the door to Heaven. Like going to your room and slamming the door shut. When we do this, we are only depriving ourselves of the blessings that God wishes to give us. And He has abundant blessings for us if we only go to Him and let Him do His thing.
I love Him a lot and I know He knows what is best for my life. He has the advantage over me, because He has known me since before I was born; and it has taken me years to get to know Him.
Seeds Of Love
If a Farmer plants seeds, he must also cultivate them. He plants his seeds and waits for the rain and sun to help the seeds to sprout, As he waits, He never leaves his crop unattended. He keeps a watchful eye so he can be sure that weeds will not appear amongst his field, for he anticipates producing a good crop so he can reap the harvest.
If one plants a seed of love he must also learn to cultivate and tent to that love. There is always the possibility that weeds may sprout if he leaves his love unattended.
To produce a fine and healthy crop. a farmer fertilizes and keeps watch every state of growth. If man is desirous of producing a harvest of love, he must, like the farmer, nurture and fertilize and keep constant watch on his seed of love that he has planted. There is always the possibility that weeds may appear and cause damage to his seed of love.
Sometimes when it is time to harvest his crop, the farmer will find that the grains are not equal in proportion, but it does not upset him, as long as his crop is healthy and no weeds have sprouted, he is happy.
Some people are like farmers who produce healthy crops. Some people do not like to farm. When a farmer plants his seeds he must always feel them because he does not want his seeds to starve.
We must be like the farmer. If we plant a seed of love in our heart we must cultivate that seed otherwise we shall never reach the Kingdom of God.
If a Farmer plants seeds, he must also cultivate them. He plants his seeds and waits for the rain and sun to help the seeds to sprout, As he waits, He never leaves his crop unattended. He keeps a watchful eye so he can be sure that weeds will not appear amongst his field, for he anticipates producing a good crop so he can reap the harvest.
If one plants a seed of love he must also learn to cultivate and tent to that love. There is always the possibility that weeds may sprout if he leaves his love unattended.
To produce a fine and healthy crop. a farmer fertilizes and keeps watch every state of growth. If man is desirous of producing a harvest of love, he must, like the farmer, nurture and fertilize and keep constant watch on his seed of love that he has planted. There is always the possibility that weeds may appear and cause damage to his seed of love.
Sometimes when it is time to harvest his crop, the farmer will find that the grains are not equal in proportion, but it does not upset him, as long as his crop is healthy and no weeds have sprouted, he is happy.
Some people are like farmers who produce healthy crops. Some people do not like to farm. When a farmer plants his seeds he must always feel them because he does not want his seeds to starve.
We must be like the farmer. If we plant a seed of love in our heart we must cultivate that seed otherwise we shall never reach the Kingdom of God.
Having Faith God Hears Our Prayers
When we pray in faith to God, God hears, and when we open up our souls to the Father, He will not turn us away, for the Father does care for us. Those souls who truly desire atonement with Him He will not forsake, neither will the time ever come in all eternity that He will turn a deaf ear.
Please know that God and His Angels are aware of our needs, and of our hearts desires, and know our thinking. God sends His Angels to serve us, to help give us strength and to give us healing of our souls, bodies and minds, for God has placed within our souls His Divine Love, to comfort us. God has given each of us an Angel to guard over us. God gives us more that we ask for, and knows of our desires before we ask. His Love for us is so great, so beyond our understanding, so beyond the capacity of our understanding.
So when you feel that you have been forsaken, lonely and unloved, remember these words and know that you are not alone and unloved, that God is ever willing to fulfill or every need all we need to do is ask.
When we pray in faith to God, God hears, and when we open up our souls to the Father, He will not turn us away, for the Father does care for us. Those souls who truly desire atonement with Him He will not forsake, neither will the time ever come in all eternity that He will turn a deaf ear.
Please know that God and His Angels are aware of our needs, and of our hearts desires, and know our thinking. God sends His Angels to serve us, to help give us strength and to give us healing of our souls, bodies and minds, for God has placed within our souls His Divine Love, to comfort us. God has given each of us an Angel to guard over us. God gives us more that we ask for, and knows of our desires before we ask. His Love for us is so great, so beyond our understanding, so beyond the capacity of our understanding.
So when you feel that you have been forsaken, lonely and unloved, remember these words and know that you are not alone and unloved, that God is ever willing to fulfill or every need all we need to do is ask.
Being A Servant For God
Nothing is greater than being a servant for God, trying to help others find the way to happiness and the way to salvation.
First we must pray earnestly, with sincere longings of soul to the Father for the inflowing of His divine essence, that we may be renewed and revitalized from the Glory of God’s Great Healing Love. That we may know that we are protected, and that we can go forth strong of purpose and wise in God’s Wisdom. To have that knowledge that Jesus can come to us and give us guidance, that we may go forth with confidence so that we will teach our fellow man in truth. To help overcome the great spiritual drought and famine that exists among us.
Mankind desires to have peace on earth, to achieve this man must first change himself, and the only way that this can be accomplished is through the transforming Love of God. When enough people have received sufficient amount of God’s Divine Essence within their souls, then we will have peace on earth, for then we will truly be brothers and sisters united in the bonds of God’s Divine Love.
Nothing is greater than being a servant for God, trying to help others find the way to happiness and the way to salvation.
First we must pray earnestly, with sincere longings of soul to the Father for the inflowing of His divine essence, that we may be renewed and revitalized from the Glory of God’s Great Healing Love. That we may know that we are protected, and that we can go forth strong of purpose and wise in God’s Wisdom. To have that knowledge that Jesus can come to us and give us guidance, that we may go forth with confidence so that we will teach our fellow man in truth. To help overcome the great spiritual drought and famine that exists among us.
Mankind desires to have peace on earth, to achieve this man must first change himself, and the only way that this can be accomplished is through the transforming Love of God. When enough people have received sufficient amount of God’s Divine Essence within their souls, then we will have peace on earth, for then we will truly be brothers and sisters united in the bonds of God’s Divine Love.